Sounddevice callbacks without Python interpreter
Anyone working with audio and Python should know about sounddevice. It provides Python bindings to the PortAudio library using cffi together with a pythonic API for using them. It’s quite straightforward: to process some audio input in real-time, implement the processing of a single block as a callback and initiate a sounddevice.Stream
with it as a context manager.
from sounddevice import Stream, sleep
def callback(indata, outdata, frames, **kwargs):
= indata
outdata[:] return 0
with Stream(callback=callback) as stream:
1000) sleep(
This starts a high-priority thread in the background which runs the callback on each new block of input audio. The thread is closed when the context manager exits.
Let’s dig a little deeper into how this works.
To open a stream in PortAudio, one needs to pass a streamCallback
argument, which is a pointer to a PaStreamCallback
function. Sounddevice uses cffi’s old-style callback mechanism to turn the Python callback into a <cdata>
Python object that represents a C function-pointer.
from sounddevice import _ffi
def callback_ptr(c_indata, c_outdata, frames):
= convert_pointer_to_numpy_view(c_indata, frames)
indata = convert_pointer_to_numpy_view(c_outdata, frames)
outdata return callback(indata, outdata, frames)
This Python-wrapped-C-pointer is then passed to PortAudio’s Pa_OpenStream
function via the cffi interface, which unwraps the Python object and passes the pointer at the C level.
from sounddevice import _lib
_lib.Pa_OpenStream(ptr, ..., callback_ptr, ...)0])
_lib.Pa_StartStream(ptr[# Sleep and relax
0]) _lib.Pa_StopStream(ptr[
Note that for each incoming block of audio, the callback switches to the Python level, wraps the C inputs into Python objects and calls the Python callback. The Python interpreter might dynamically allocate memory or do garbage collection. Depending on the blocksize and the amount of computation in the callback, this can easily lead to buffer overruns.
Interestingly, we can avoid any execution of Python in the callback by compiling to machine code using Numba.
Numba is well known for its just-in-time compiler. Decorating a Python function with numba.jit
makes most numerical Python code much faster.
from numba import jit
def mathy_fun(x, y):
return x + y
1, 2) # first time compiles
mathy_fun(3, 4) # second time calls machine code -> fast mathy_fun(
This month I learned that Numba can also return a cffi-style pointer to the compiled function. And sounddevice._StreamBase
accepts those!
import numpy as np
from numba import cfunc, carray
from numba.core.typing.cffi_utils import map_type
def numba_callback(c_indata, c_outdata, frame_count, ...):
= carray(c_indata, frame_count, dtype=np.float32)
indata = carray(c_outdata, frame_count, dtype=np.float32)
outdata = indata
outdata[:] return 0
Again, we must unwrap the C pointers into NumPy arrays. This time however, the whole Python function is compiled and can be run inside the streaming thread without the Python interpreter.
from sounddevice import _StreamBase
with _StreamBase(
callbackas stream:
) 1) sleep(
I am curious for how far one can go with prototyping real-time DSP algorithms this way!